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natural environment

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Local and organic

Hemp is a very vivacious plant that can grow all over the world. Our hemp seeds come from the neighbouring regions of France.

It does not require herbicides or pesticides and needs little water. Furthermore, hemp restores the soil and controls its erosion through its roots.

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Carbon positive and biodiversity protector

Hemp absorbs four times more CO2 than trees and contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Contrary to most large monocultures of grain crops, hemp can actively contribute to biodiversity.

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Each part of the hemp plant is a rich source of raw materials. The stalk owns one of the longest and most potent natural fibres, excellent for making textiles and other industrial products.

The woody core contains close to 30% cellulose used for paper and building materials. The seeds are the raw materials for various products, from foods and personal hygiene to technical products such as oil paints, varnishes, and fuel.

Estimates say that this plant has more than 50’000 industrial uses.